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Unity Version: 2022.3.46f1(LTS)

SS Version: 7.3

SS Unity Import: SpriteStudio/SS6PlayerForUnity at sampledevelop - https://github.com/ 
sampledevelop branch is v2.2.6


Recently, my Unity project was updated(from 2020LTS to 2022LTS), and I noticed that the colors are different from before. After comparing, I found that the SpriteStudio Importer changed the colors. Please help troubleshoot this issue.


1. create a new blank unity 2D project

2. install SS Unity importer(Unity-Native)

3. importer any SS project

4. check the imported prefab, its color is totally different from that in SpriteStudio editor

Please leave your email address, I'll set my project to you.



Color Space in Project Setting is not the cause. both Linear and Gamma will encounter this issue.


回答 2

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Solution For Reference:

1. create a new Editor script and save it to any Editor folder in Unity

2. fill following content inside script(you chould change folder name to anywhere which you need, or change any logic if you need.)
3. save script, recompile. every imported and future import texture will be set as no-compression way and pixel-perfect

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Potential root cause:
current importer will import sprite in a compressed way.
If we set formet to a non-compression option, color will become normal.

(5.0k ポイント)

Dear Justus,

Sorry for the delay in replying as we were closed for the New Year's holiday.

Thank you for the detailed report.

From what I see of the situation, I feel problems with interpolated decoding of compressed textures.

We would like to reproduce the situation in our environment and investigate, so please take a moment.

Sincerely yours,