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(1.0k ポイント) Q&A

SS version:

SS6PU: Ver.2.2.0

There are two properties "Opacity" and "Local Opacity" which allow us control the

transparent degree of sprites of a part.

but after import sspj to unity via Unity-Native mode, Opacity property is unable to work as our expectation, it only affect current node, and ignore children node.


回答 2

+1 支持
(5.0k ポイント)
Dear Justus.

I have committed that fixes the bug you reported (to the GitHub branch "develop_v2_2_0").
*) New Version is "Ver.2.2.1".

Follow URL is "SS6Player for Unity"'s GitHub.

I hope will help your development.

Best Regards,
(1.0k ポイント)
Ver.2.2.1 fixed this issue. Thanks.
0 支持
(5.0k ポイント)
Dear Justus.

Thank you for your bug report.

This is developer of SS6PU.

The bug you reported is specific to "SS6PU Ver. 2.2.0".

Please wait a moment while fix and update it. (Maximum 1 day ... ?)

Once updated, I will notify you of corrected (new-)version released by replying here.

Best Regards,