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(1.0k ポイント) Q&A
I find that each bone whose position is not zero will arise extra offset deformation in Unity if we import the project via Unity-Native method.

Could you please provide an feasible sample project( for example, bending a stick and bending back) which could make sure work well with Unity-Native mode?

回答 2

0 支持
(5.0k ポイント)

Dear Justus.

This is SS6PU developer.

The update version of SS6Player for Unity (SS6PU) is released.


  • Ver.2.1.21 : branch "develop" / "sampledevelop"
  • Ver.2.2.0 : branch "develop_v2_2_0"

Both versions have largely fixed the bugs you reported, but with the following differences.

So, please consider which version you would like to update to, taking into account the current state of your project development.

  • Ver.2.1.21

When data imported in "Unity-Native" mode is placed in a hierarchy, the "Setup" animation status will be displayed if no AnimationClips are attached.

However, if the animation is changed during preview playback from "Animation" window, texture of the "Mesh" part may be lost, but textures will be restored when another animation-part is selected or when the Unity-Editor calls (MonoBehaviour's) "LateUpdate" function.

In addition, AnimationClip data and class  implementations are compatible with "SS6PU Ver. 2.1.x".

  • Ver.2.2.0

When data imported in "Unity-Native" mode is placed in hierarchy, shows "animation 0 frame 0" even if no AnimationClips are attached.

Basically, I think to be your desired behavior.

However, since AnimationClip data and class implementation of "Unity-Native" mode are not compatible with the past "SS6PU Ver. 2.1.x", re-importing data is required.

("Ver. 2.2.0" is not able to correctly-play "Unity-Native" data of "Ver. 2.1.x".)

We would be happy to assist you in your development.

Best Regards,

(1.0k ポイント)
Which one is compatible with furture updates? if Ver. 2.2.0 is for future, it's okay for me to use it and reimport previous assets.
(1.0k ポイント)
currently I choose v2.1.21 and move on. when change animation preview, it fresh soon, so this is acceptable.

Please also let me know about the future plan of v2.2.0 and v2.1.21, it could help me decide whether use v2.2.0 or not.
(5.0k ポイント)
2.1.21 and 2.2.0 will be maintained concurrently and in parallel for the near future.

Basically, 2.1.21 is the version that takes into account projects in situations where it would be inconvenient to change the data format in "Unity-Native" mode. (e.g. mobile game projects already in operation, etc.)

Also, the next major update planned is a player that will be compatible with "SpriteStudio 7.x".

So, these 2 versions will be almost the final versions for "SpriteStudio 6.x".

However, minor bugs that can be fixed with minimal impact to users will be reflected in both 2.1.21 and 2.2.0 until the next major update.

The current plan is to build "SS7Player for Unity (tentative)" on developing of Ver. 2.2.0.

Best Regards,
(5.0k ポイント)

Please re-import all "Unity-Native" mode data you have been using, if you update to Ver. 2.2.0.
(1.0k ポイント)
Okay, then I will use v2.2.0( because it's likely to compatible with SS7Player). Thanks for your effort.
+1 支持
(5.0k ポイント)

Dear Justus.

This is SS6PU developer.

I understand the situation.

I created this bug when I was update that your request "Display frame 0 of the animation even when no AnimationClip are attached".

This bug will be fixed.

However, we will need to roll back the mesh-related processing, so the request to "display frame 0" will also be reverted.

Therefore, we will update SS6PU version from "2.1.x" to "2.2.0" in a few days to satisfy the request and bug fix.

With this update, "Ver. 2.2.0" requires re-import of past "Unity-Native" mode data.

Follows are not compatible between Ver. 2.1.x and Ver. 2.2.0.

  • Implementation of "Unity-Native" mode operation classes (Script_SpriteStudio6_RootUnityNative and Script_SpriteStudio6_PartsUnityNative).
  • Stored data in AnimationClip.

I apologize for the inconvenience, please wait a few days until "Ver. 2.2.0" is released.

When release update, I will let you know by reply here.

Best Regards,
