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(870 ポイント) Q&A

I want to launch many particles within a narrow time interval. But I find the "Emit Interval" could not be set to any value less than 1.

My expected effect is similar to "set Emit Interval" to Zero. This is what I mean "explosion" in the title.

How could we do that?

This is an important effect in any other particle editor.


回答 1

0 支持
(3.2k ポイント)
This is OPTPiX techinical support.
The same effect may be obtained by controlling the Playback Speed
value with the effect "edit" button in the Attribute window.
Thank you for your inquiry.

(870 ポイント)

this option only affect the playback speed of the whole particle effect.

What I need is let multiple amount of particle points be emitted at same time.

(3.2k ポイント)
This is OPTPiX techinical support.
I interpreted the message you gave me.
The numbers for particles and Emit Particle Num together may be what you are looking for.
Please check.
