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187 閲覧
(1.0k ポイント) Q&A

Sorry that I could not speak Japanese so I describe my question in English here.

-   OPTPiX Sprite Studio: Version 7.0.4

-   SS6 Unified Player: Ver.2.1.11

-   Unity: 2020.3.38f1

- Import Mode: Convert To Unity-Native

If we import sspj to Unity via Unity-Native mode multiple times, and changed the frames of animation between each import, then the imported animation clip could not update correctly.

Details has been added to Github issue.


Thank you,



回答 2

0 支持
(3.2k ポイント)
This is OPTPiX techinical support.

We will schedule a response to this matter after the person in charge has adjusted his/her schedule.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait a moment.
0 支持
(5.0k ポイント)
Thanks for your report.

I have updated version that resolves this issue to the "develop" branch on GitHub.


For more information, please refer to here.


Best Regards,