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268 閲覧
(1.0k ポイント) Q&A

Sorry that I could not speak Japanese so I describe my question in English here.

-   OPTPiX Sprite Studio: Version 7.0.4

-   SS6 Unified Player: Ver.2.1.11

-   Unity: 2020.3.38f1

- Import Mode: Convert To Unity-Native

This is a follow-up question after the fix of this issue:


Now we could see a default frame in editor, but the default one is not the `Setup` animation.

I added detailed information in github issue:



回答 2

0 支持
(3.2k ポイント)
This is OPTPiX techinical support.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
The developers have drawn up a message, please see GitHub.
0 支持
(5.0k ポイント)
Thanks for your report.

I have updated version that resolves this issue to the "develop" branch on GitHub.


For more information, please refer to here.


Best Regards,
(1.0k ポイント)

V2.1.19 seems not work correctly for an imported sspj.

details have been added here.
