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(1.0k ポイント) Q&A
Sorry that I could not speak Japanese so I describe my question in English here.

-   OPTPiX Sprite Studio: Version 7.0.4

-   SS6 Unified Player: Ver.2.1.8

-   Unity: 2020.3.38f1

- Import Mode: Convert To Unity-Native


1. After I import sspj to unity with Native mode, I got a PrefabSprite prefab named ps_Character_ZhaoYun.

2. according to Unity-Native tutorial I create a prefab variant of ps_Character_ZhaoYun and rename it as Character_ZhaoYun_SSModel. https://www.webtech.co.jp/help/ja/spritestudio7/guide/output/unity_native/

3. this Character_ZhaoYun_SSModel prefab works well at unity play mode.

4. My problem is, I need add/adjust/tuning some collider size or simialr things in the Unity Editor Mode, so I want to see a default frame of character.

But it didn't show any in editor mode.

5. If I changed the Material of SpriteRenderer to `SkinnedMesh_UnityNative_MIX`, I could see the sprite in Editor Mode directly, this is my prefered behavior

6. Could we make `Sprite_UnityNative_MIX`also show sprite by default?

Reference Snapshot:


回答 2

+1 支持
(5.9k ポイント)

I just upgraded "SS6Player for Unity" a moment ago.
Version: 2.1.10

The applicable (latest) version is available from GitHub.
Branch : "develop" / "sampledevelop"

With this update, initial drawing is now available even when you drop a prefab in the hierarchy.
In some environments, textures may not be reflected correctly when initially displayed.
However once the scene is played, textures should also be reflected. *) Playback can be just for short time.

Regarding "SS6Player for Unity", it may be more quicker to respond if you send the issue directly to "Issue" on GitHub.

Best Regards,
(1.0k ポイント)

Sprite_UnityNative_NonBatch.shader also need this fix. but 2.1.10 seems didn't take it into account.

(1.0k ポイント)
Or maybe Sprite_UnityUI also need it? Could please take all of them into account?
(5.9k ポイント)
I'm sorry.
I forgot to correct in "Sprite_UnityNative_NonBatch.shader".
I have updated it to "Ver. 2.1.11", please download it again.

Branch : "develop" / "sampledevelop"

Best Regards,
(1.0k ポイント)
Hello Sera-san,

Ver. 2.1.11 works perfectly now. Thanks for your support!
+1 支持
(5.9k ポイント)

This is OPTPiX techinical support. 

The person in charge is currently investigating the cause of your question about the display in the Unity Editor. Please wait for a while.
