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my canvas size is 1024*1024 pixel 300 dpi .
it's exceed the camera too many .
what size should I create ?
thank you .

回答 1

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(4.9k ポイント)

I interpret your question as "Imported datas are displayed on the screen large."

Size of the imported animation is managed by pixel-size when editing with SpriteStudio.
So it will be projected large on the screen when default size of Unity's camera.
If you are using the "OrthoGraphic" camera, default setting of camera is "Size = 5".

It will be projected to the proper size by either of the following methods.

  • Set small value to the animation object's "Scale-X,Y"(in Transform) of arranged on "Hierarchy".
    If camera's size you are using is 5 and pixel-size of the screen you assumed when editing with SpriteStudio is 720 pixels in height..."5 / (720 / 2) = 5/360 = 0.0139 ".
  • Set your "OrthoGraphic" camera's size to "720 / 2 = 360" when pixel-size of the screen you assumed with SpriteStudio is 720 pixels in height.


Which player are you using, "SS5 Player for Unity" or "SS6 Player for Unity"?
